Brush Boarding

A Wave of footfall and Social Marketing for your FEC.

Order your plug and play BrushBoarding wave attraction today. This surfing like attraction is an ideal addition to any adrenaline focused leisure industry facility. Easy to install Brush Ramps make huge waves for any leisure industry business.

BrushBoarding is a fantastic physically distancing attraction that can be easily managed with one staff member, has huge theming opportunities and has proven to be a social media tsunami for any brand.

This unique patented cost-effective attraction can be manufactured to suit just about any location / space available. The low power consumption using an average 12Kw of power, the required readily available 415v power supply puts the ease of installations and the return on investment at the front of the physically distancing queue.

With the global focus on shareable experiential fitness and in turn good mental health, this safe, fun attraction appeals to all ages and is available with turnkey packages for the owners.

For more information contact or go to

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