Brush Boarding

Tag Archives: fun

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A Wave of footfall and Social Marketing for your FEC.

Order your plug and play BrushBoarding wave attraction today. This surfing like attraction is an ideal addition to any adrenaline focused leisure industry facility. Easy to install Brush Ramps make huge waves for any leisure industry business. BrushBoarding is a … more…

Website Search

We are working on the issue of SEO for our website.

The Power Of Social Media


With the recent launch in Melbourne Australia our social media presents have created massive swells. 23,500,000 views in just 3 weeks!! Just awesome news and thanks to the BB Team for all the efforts.

BrushBoarding with a group of visually impaired children

Niall Williamson Exeter Blind school

Let’s put it into perspective: from 3 year old to mid 70, professional athletes to people who never exercise, full able people to less able people, BrushBoarding can give any rider the sense of achievement in a safe, controlled environment.   … more…

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